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Receiving a Star Word on Epiphany is becoming a new tradition in churches.  Each star has a different word on it.  Each word is to serve as a guiding tool for your prayers and seeking a deeper relationship with Jesus this year.  This prayer practice is inspired by the Magi (wise men from afar) following a star, which ultimately led them to Jesus.

We are to use all the resources we have available to us—including creative prayer practices and intention words for the New Year— to move closer to Jesus.  I encourage you to trust that God uses multiple ways to guide us and speak to us. Star words are one such tool that might provide us a new way to look for God in our midst, both actively (looking at your word each morning and then seeking how it appears to you that day) and in hindsight (looking back to how it appeared in the prior week or month).  It is often easy to miss God in our daily lives. Having an intentional word to consider each day, as well as to reflect on at the end of the year, allows for us to see God in ways we may not have seen God before.

If you would like a Star Word for 2023, please email or call the office and we will pick one randomly for you. 

Use that word for prayer time and as a guiding word throughout the year. Place your star word somewhere you will see it regularly throughout the year to allow consistent reflection on how God has moved through, around, or in connection to that word. For some, the word is immediately full of meaning, challenge, and invitation. For others, the word is a blank canvas—inviting you to ponder a new way of pondering your faith and relationship with Jesus.

May you use your Star Word as a tool to help to seek a deeper relationship with Jesus.  May your word guide you, as the star guided the Magi.