General Introduction and Background for Parents

Week 8 - A Few Good Men and Women

Patty and Marilyn read The Story

Week 8 Skit - Some Friend

Sarah makes her friend Sammantha mad and Beth helps.

Week 8 - Fun lessons with Science

Pastor Michelle reminds you how yelling knocked down the walls of Jericho and the strength of Samson using science experiments.

Week 7 - The Battle Begins (Be Strong and Courageous)

Patty and Marilyn read The Story

Blowing the Shofar

(The sound of the special horn the priest blew st the Fall of the Jericho walls). October 18, 2020 at the Ecumenical Unity worship service sponsored by the Richland County Ministerial Association.

Week 7 Skit - Helping Out

Samantha and Beth discuss helping others

Week 7 - Be Strong and Courageous

Pastor Michelle reads about Martin Luther (an example of being strong and courageous)

Week 6 - Wandering (God stands by)

Patty and Marilyn read the story

Week 6 Skit - Bus Troubles

Beth and Samantha learn about who you can trust

Week 6 - Storytime with Pastor Michelle

Pastor Michelle reads "Rotten Ralph" by Jack Gantos, Illustrated by Nicole Rubel

Week 5 - Ten Commandments (God Guides)

Story time with Patty and Marilyn

Week 5 Skit - People Food

Samantha learns the importance of rules

Week 5 Song - Sanctuary

Lord prepare me, to be a sanctuary, pure and holy, tried and true and with thanksgiving, I'll be a living Sanctuary for you

Week 4 - Moses (God delivers)

Story time

Week 4 Skit "Not Alone"

Samantha and Beth discuss how God looks out for us

Week 4 Song - "Pharaoh, pharaoh!"

Get your parents to join you with this one! Sing and dance about God delivering his people.

Week 3 - Joseph (God is with you at all times)

Story time with Patty and Marilyn

Week 3 skit - " Forward March"

Samantha and Beth discover knowing God is like having a map.

Week 3 Songs - "God Takes Care of Me" and "Praise Him"

Join us and sing along!

Week 2 - Abraham / Trusting God

Story time with Patty Libansky

Week 2 Skit - "Some Promise"

Join Beth and Samantha as they learn about God's promises

Week 2 Song - Father Abraham

Join us! Stand up and sing and move

Week 1 - In the beginning....

Patty Libansky reads The Story

Skit - you are wonderfully made

Song - Hippo

God's fingerprints are everywhere!